Your Diet and Your Teeth

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By now, you should know that eating sugary, sticky or starchy foods can damage your teeth. And acidic foods can help promote tooth decay and stain your teeth. Although the list of “dental diet ‘don’ts’” may seem long, there are foods that can help your teeth. So instead of focusing on what to avoid, let’s talk about some food that can help.

How about some almonds? You may not realize it, but almonds contain protein and calcium, both of which promote healthy teeth. Yogurt contains those ingredients as well, and it also contains the “good” bacteria, which will fight the bad bacteria that contribute to tooth decay.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Well that’s just hard cheese”? Well, hard cheese is a good thing. It has calcium and protein and will boost the pH levels in your mouth. It is also good for scrubbing the stains from your teeth. While you chew it, your level of saliva increase, which will help wash away food particles.

Don’t forget the salad. Leafy green vegetables can protect your teeth from staining, and they pack calcium, folic acid and vitamins, and minerals, which are all things that your body and your teeth need.

Apples are high in fiber and can help clean your teeth and stimulate saliva production. Carrots will do the same thing, and are rich in vitamin A.

A healthy diet is good for your teeth and your body. But your teeth depend on more than just your diet. You need to brush twice a day and floss once a day. And don’t forget to see our dentist Dr. Frank Russomanno, Jr. twice a year for your regular cleanings and exams. To make an appointment at Oakdale Family Dentistry in Oakdale, Minnesota, call 651-731-6464 today.