If you routinely find yourself suffering from dental damage, it could be linked to habits in your lifestyle. Oftentimes, poor lifestyle habits can put you at further risks of dental damage that can leave your smile with several decades of future repairs and recovery problems. When playing contact sports or partaking in bad habits including using substances that are unhealthy... read more »
When your kids get a cavity, and it’s in a baby tooth, do you ever think twice about getting that cavity filled? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents question the validity of filling a tooth that’s only going to fall out. That feels like literally throwing money away, right? Well, the truth isn’t that cut-and-dried. Multiple reasons exist as... read more »
Caring for your toothbrush includes making sure that you're always using the appropriate techniques derived from it. If you fail to use your toothbrush correctly, it will not be able to protect your smile as it is intended to. To make sure that your toothbrush care and techniques are ideal, take your time, use gentle, soft strokes and use products... read more »
If you are looking to enhance your smile with a life-like tooth prosthetic, modern dentistry has numerous options to choose from. Tooth replacements have come a long way since the early days of dentistry, and newer forms can be contoured to look and feel just like normal teeth. A highly effective tooth replacement treatment to consider is known as dental... read more »
Are you feeling ready to restore your smile, but maybe feel unsure of the best way to do it? If so, you are not alone. There are many different options when it comes to smiling restorations, which is why our team here at Oakdale Family Dentistry in Oakdale, Minnesota, is happy to give you some basic insight on dental bridges... read more »
Dr. Frank Russomanno, Jr. and our Oakdale Family Dentistry team in Oakdale, Minnesota, are pleased to help you with your smile health. We understand that you work hard every day to achieve and maintain your confident smile, but there are tips to help you boost your smile. So along with your daily brushing and flossing regimen, consider being mindful of... read more »
As a parent, it’s important to keep your child’s smile in top-notch condition. However, that can be a bit overwhelming and confusing if you’re not sure what to do. So, to help you help your child, our Oakdale Family Dentistry team has some helpful tips for you! Those tips are: Monitor your child’s eating habits If your child eats healthy... read more »