As you age, your teeth age right along with you. Even if you are taking care of them by cleaning them every day, there is still a chance that they can be worn down and become weaker and more brittle with age. Because of this, you should implement more effective cleaning tools and treatments as you continue to progress through... read more »
Have you prepared your smile for cavity prevention? Cavity prevention includes keeping your mouth safe from the dangers that seek to destroy your tooth enamel on a daily basis. Preventing cavities includes leading a healthy lifestyle and practicing effective oral health care treatments. Caring for your smile begins at home. Make sure you are brushing and flossing on a daily... read more »
If you have never had a toothache, consider yourself lucky. Toothaches are oral health disorders that exist when nerve endings in a tooth become damaged. They can be extremely painful and can lead to tooth loss if they are not treated properly. For more information about spotting and treating a toothache, consider the following: - If you ever notice or... read more »
Are you going on a trip? If so, don’t forget to pack for your smile! Oral hygiene is extremely important, even when you travel, so it’s best to keep your chompers in tip-top shape no matter where you go. To help you pack for your smile, our Oakdale Family Dentistry team recommends packing the following items in your suitcase: -Travel... read more »
As a parent, it’s important to keep your child’s smile in top-notch condition. However, that can be a bit overwhelming and confusing if you’re not sure what to do. So, to help you help your child, our Oakdale Family Dentistry team has some helpful tips for you! Those tips are: Monitor your child’s eating habits If your child eats healthy... read more »