If you are looking to enhance your smile with a life-like tooth prosthetic, modern dentistry has numerous options to choose from. Tooth replacements have come a long way since the early days of dentistry, and newer forms can be contoured to look and feel just like normal teeth. A highly effective tooth replacement treatment to consider is known as dental... read more »
If you are looking for a tooth restoration procedure to improve your smile without dramatically changing its look, a dental crown might be right for you. Dental crowns are tooth replacement restorations that work by capping a tooth by entirely covering it on all sides. These are very effective because they prevent further damage to the tooth down to the... read more »
Are you feeling ready to restore your smile, but maybe feel unsure of the best way to do it? If so, you are not alone. There are many different options when it comes to smiling restorations, which is why our team here at Oakdale Family Dentistry in Oakdale, Minnesota, is happy to give you some basic insight on dental bridges... read more »