If you are looking to enhance your smile with a life-like tooth prosthetic, modern dentistry has numerous options to choose from. Tooth replacements have come a long way since the early days of dentistry, and newer forms can be contoured to look and feel just like normal teeth. A highly effective tooth replacement treatment to consider is known as dental... read more »
If you are looking for a tooth restoration procedure to improve your smile without dramatically changing its look, a dental crown might be right for you. Dental crowns are tooth replacement restorations that work by capping a tooth by entirely covering it on all sides. These are very effective because they prevent further damage to the tooth down to the... read more »
Did you know that if you damage your pulp within a tooth, it can lead to severe ailments unless it is removed through an endodontic treatment? Through the use of an endodontic treatment such as a root canal therapy, it is important to remove a damaged pulp to ensure the tooth has a chance for the future. This includes tooth... read more »